Children at Trent Vale are expected to wear school uniform. The school colours are red, grey and white which are widely available from any supermarket or clothing retailers. These do not have to be specific school clothes. We also encourage you to put your child’s name on all items of clothing and kit.

Click here to see our Uniform Including PE

SECOND HAND UNIFORM -School also has a supply of second hand uniform in school. Please ask at the school office. We also regularly offer pre-loved uniform from tables in the school playground.

If you wish to purchase uniform with the school logo then this is available from TGR Embroidery. You can order direct from their website or visit their showroom at 145 Attenborough Lane, NG9 6AA

Click here to visit the TGR Embroidery website

If your child is ever without uniform, please send them in any suitable clothing as we do not want uniform to be a barrier to attendance.

BIRTHDAYS- Your child is allowed to wear their own clothes on their birthday. If your child’s birthday is at the weekend or in a holiday, then they can wear their own clothes on the day they return to school.

NO UNIFORM DAYS – From time to time we may have events that mean your child can wear different clothes. This is totally voluntary and is up to parental choice.

SCHOOL TRIPS – When going on school trips, it is usually expected that children wear their school uniforms. We will let you know if this is not the case.

COLDER WEATHER – In colder weather please send your child with a suitable coat for wearing outside at breaktimes and in hot, sunny weather please send your child with a sun hat.

JEWELLERY – For health and safety reasons we strongly discourage the wearing of jewellery unless it is for religious reasons. However, if jewellery is worn, it must be removed by the child before they can do P.E. No plasters over ears for PE.

Water bottles, PE and book bags with the school logo on are available to purchase from the school.

The only things the children need bring to school in their bags are their water bottle, reading books and diary and their packed lunch if they are not having a free hot dinner. 

Items available from School

PE Bag



Book Bag




