The Multiplication Tables Check 2023 is a short online assessment that tests how well year 4 children can recall times tables facts up to 12 x 12.It only assesses multiplication, not division. Also, the 1 times table isn’t included (apart from the practice questions).Children have six seconds to answer each question. Between each question, there’s a gap of three seconds. Children will be given the chance to answer 3 practice questions before the check begins. The whole check will take less than five minutes, so it’s all over quite quickly. Good news! There’s no pass mark. The check just helps teachers to see which children need more help, so children won’t need to re-sit it if they don’t get a high score.

Information For Parents Multiplication Tables Check

Multiplication Check Year 4 2023

Multiplication Check Year 4 2022

We are proud of the academic attainment and progress of all our children here at Rylands. The hard work by all members of the school community ensures that our children do the best that they can and achieve well not only in the National Assessment points of their education, but every day, week, month and year.

We are clear about what the children need to learn and plan carefully to make sure that lessons are exciting, engaging and with a relevant context.  We also ensure there is a good balance between acquiring knowledge, facts and skills that are transferable to other life situations. Finding the correct pitch or level of difficulty that has just the right amount of challenge along with careful scaffolding and modelling in lessons is very important to all of us to ensure all our groups of learners make progress. We make clear to the children how they are doing, what they can do well at, what they need to do next and how to get there. Our children are enthusiastic to learn, take a pride in their work, rise to challenges and want to do their best.

Compare our school

Every year the Department for Education publishes information on the achievement and attainment of pupils in all schools.  These tables provide a guide to how well a school is doing.  They list National Curriculum test results for each school in England and show how they compare with other schools.

As well as our own school’s performance results you are able to access information on all schools throughout England so that you are able to see how each individual school compares with others, locally, county and nationally and against the average across the country.

Beeston Rylands Junior School data

Compare school performance data

Information For Parents Assessment Results at the End of Key Stage 2

There were no statutory assessments in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic

2024 KS2 Summary Dashboard

Key Stage 2 Results 2024

Key Stage 2 Results 2023

Key Stage 2 Results 2019

Key Stage 2 Results 2018

Key Stage 2 Results 2017

Key Stage 2 Results 2016

Parent view is an online questionnaire, launched by Ofsted, that allows parents and carers to give their views on their child’s school at any time of year. Covering over 22,000 schools across England, the 12 question survey will help other parents as they make important choices about their child’s education and provide Ofsted with information about schools that will help inform priorities for inspection.

To access the Parent View Site, please click the link below (opens a new window)

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