Welcome to Trent Vale Infant and Nursery School. Choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will take. As well as providing existing parents with vital information about our school one of the other purposes of this website is to help you make that decision. Here you will find detailed information about the life and work of the school, our aims and values and how we put these into practice in order to support each individual child’s development.
At Trent Vale our aim is to help each other towards excellence in all that we do. We want all of the children to reach their full potential, and not just academically. We want all of the children to be succesful at reading, writing and mathematics but also aim to meet each child’s personal, social and emotional development needs. We promote high standards of behaviour, self confidence, positive attitudes and strong moral values including respect and tolerance of others. Ours is a school that continually celebrates both effort and success and the diversity of our community. Our Ofsted report confirms we are a good school with outstanding personal development, behaviour and welfare; a fact that is wholeheartedly endorsed by the parents. The school has a friendly atmosphere and pupils are happy and well looked after.

Our curriculum is designed to be both enjoyable and enriching. We want learning to be fun! It allows learners to achieve, and is accessible to all. However we believe we can only achieve the best for your child if you work with us in close co-operation. We value any contribution you are able to make to the life of the school and warmly welcome you into the education partnership. In addition we will do everything we can to keep you well informed of your child’s progress and achievements.
We also have excellent facilities. Our grounds are second to none in the area and our skilled and imaginative staff regularly use our environment to support the children’s learning. This website is not intended as a substitute for more personal contact, we hope that after reading it you will want to see the school for yourself. Please telephone the school office to arrange a visit. I, along with our pupils, staff, parents and governors are very proud of Trent Vale Infant and Nursery School and we would be delighted to meet you and show you around.
If you wish to apply for a school place please click this link.
Nottinghamshire County Council’s (NCC) admission arrangements for 2025-2026 were approved on 5 February 2024. The arrangements are now determined and available on the public website:
Determined admission arrangements 2025-2026 | Nottinghamshire County Council
If you wish to apply for a nursery place please contact the school on 0115 9179224 to add your child’s name to our waiting list. Our over subscription criteria is listed in our admissions policy.