Special Educational Needs

The Trent Rylands Federation is proud of its reputation for being  inclusive and diverse, especially with regard to how it tries to meet the individual needs of all the children.

We live by the mantra ” Children at the Heart”. This manifests itself in our commitment to provide high quality, balanced provision for all pupils to help them reach their full potential as learners. We recognise that children with special educational and disability needs have the right and entitlement to be fully included in the life of the school and have a broad and balanced curriculum.

Our provision for children with special educational and disability needs has included the categories of Cognition and Learning, Communication and Interaction, Social and Emotional, Sensory and Physical and Anxiety related needs. We have worked with children who are autistic, or who experience visual or physical impairment or other specific learning difficulties.

Mrs Barnett is the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) at Beeston Rylands Junior School. She works closely with the class teachers and teaching assistants to meet the needs of all children. The school also benefits from the support of outside agencies including the Educational Psychologist Service, Speech and Language Therapists, The Healthy Family Teams, The Schools and Family Support Service (SFSS), along with our Family SENCo.

For most of the time children work in their own classrooms  and access Quality First Teaching . This is where their teacher plans a broad and balanced curriculum to meet the needs of every child, whatever their ability or learning style. Alongside this, children may also access bespoke and individualised interventions. These may happen either within the classrooms, or in a quiet familiar space within the school environment.

We communicate with parents on a regular basis and children with specific needs are often met at the beginning of the day by a teaching assistant to ensure the school day starts in a happy and secure manner. Parents are consulted about any additional provision or support from an external agency.

The Governing Body and the staff at Beeston Rylands Junior School have formulated an appropriate Special Educational Needs policy. This policy states how Beeston Rylands Junior School fulfils its statutory duties for children with special educational needs. The school adheres to the Special Needs Code of Practice.

Special Educational Needs Policy 2023

Our Local Offer Response gives more information about the support we offer for children with special educational needs. Find our more about the SEND local offer in the video below.

SEND local offer video

Visit the Nottinghamshire SEND to our Local Offer website for our Local Offer Response

Download our Local Offer Response 2024

Have a look at our SEND Information Report 2024

Contact Mrs Barnett, the school SENCO for further details: senco@rylands.notts.sch.uk