Beeston Rylands Junior School

2023-24 Quality of Education

  • Key Priority 1 Curriculum (intent and implementation)

1a To ensure that new learning is embedded into the long-term memory so that children know more, remember more and can do more.  

1b To ensure that the TRF Drivers are intrinsic to our curriculum incorporating cultural capital and the use of our locality  


  • Key priority 2 Data (impact)

2a To accelerate rates of progress and raise attainment in writing for all groups  

2 To accelerate rates of progress and raise attainment in Reading, Maths for the lowest 20% with a focus on EAL, SEND and disadvantaged pupils   


2023-24 Behaviour and attitudes

  • Key Priority 3

To develop and embed early intervention strategies to improve negative behaviour and attendance concerns of identified children. 


2023-24 Leadership and management

  • Key Priority 4 

To continue to drive consistency in high quality subject leadership with a focus on CPD, further curriculum development and monitoring across all curriculum areas. 


Trent Vale Infant and Nursery

2023-24 Quality of Education

Key Priority 1 Curriculum (intent and implementation)

1a To ensure that new learning is embedded into the long-term memory so that children know more, remember more and can do more.

1b To ensure that the TRF Drivers are intrinsic to our curriculum incorporating cultural capital and the use of our locality


Key priority 2 Data (impact)

2a To accelerate rates of progress and raise attainment in writing for all groups

2b  To accelerate rates of progress and raise attainment in Reading, Maths for the lowest 20% with a focus on EAL, SEND and disadvantaged pupils


2023-24 Behaviour and attitudes

Key Priority 3

To develop and embed early intervention strategies to improve negative behaviour and attendance concerns of identified children.


2023-24 Leadership and management

Key Priority 4

To continue to drive consistency in high quality subject leadership with a focus on CPD, further curriculum development and monitoring across all curriculum areas.


2023-24 Quality of Early Years

Key Priority 5

5a .To continue to drive and develop high quality teaching and raise attainment in  early literacy including oracy and maths, with a specific focus on children with  the lowest 20 %

5b To continue to use the outdoor learning environment in the early years, so that it is equally effective in promoting pupils’ learning and development as the indoor provision.