Beeston Rylands receives £17,740 per year to improve provision for PE in sport within the school. This money is from the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport and has been ‘ring-fenced’ which means it can only be spent on sport provision and not on any other areas in the school. At Beeston Rylands we strongly believe that if children can be engaged in sport at an early age that this engagement can last a lifetime. Sport encourages our young children to choose a healthy, athletic lifestyle and at this age we can provide the children with lots of opportunities to try a variety of sports.
We can use this money to:
Hire specialist P.E. teachers/qualified sports coaches to work alongside primary teachers when teaching P.E.
Provide new or additional Change4Life sports clubs
Pay for professional development opportunities
Pay for cover to release teachers for development
Run sports competitions
Buy schemes of work/development modules or materials for P.E./sport
Provide places for pupils at an after school club and/or holiday club
For detailed information on how the funding has been allocated and the effect of this funding on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment please download the Sports Development Funding and Impact Report Document below.
Sports Development Funding 22 23 funding and impact.
Swimming Data 2022-23
Year 6 – leaving KS2
100% of children on role throughout Year 6 have had access to teaching of Self Safe Rescue.
47% swim competently over a distance of 25m or more in a variety of strokes
Sports Development Funding BRJS 2016-2022: Funding and impact