Governing Body – The Trent-Rylands Federation
Trent Vale Infant and Nursery School and Beeston Rylands Junior School are federated and known as The Trent-Rylands Federation. While the schools continue to be separate with their own individual names they have one governing body . The schools are jointly led by Headteachers Mrs Janine Barratt (TV) and Mrs Catherine Turner (BRJS) alongside Federation Deputy Mrs Sue Osborne.
The Governing Body is very active and is involved in all areas of school life. The Full Governing Body meets once a term and there are additional committee meetings held termly to manage finance, health and safety, pupil, personnel and curriculum issues. The Governing Body also regularly monitors the progress pupils are making and the progress the school is making with regard to its school improvement priorities. Membership of this important body includes elected parents and teacher representatives as well as members co-opted by the Governing Body and those nominated by the Local Authority. This ensures the Governing Body has the full range of necessary skills.