The RE curriculum has a vital place in providing pupils with an understanding of what religion is and how it shapes the beliefs and practices of people locally, nationally and globally. By giving our pupils knowledge of world religions we aim to help them to make decisions that enable them to live actively within their community.
We open up opportunities for children to share their own religious experiences and to listen to the experiences of others, in order to develop respect, tolerance and understanding whilst retaining their own ideas and beliefs. The teaching of RE offers the greatest opportunity to celebrate our differences at the same time as recognising our similarities. We believe RE underpins the values which help to create a learning environment where children work together, learn from and respect each other.
We want to create learners with open hearts and open minds.
The content of the Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus (2021-26) is taught over a one year cycle across F1 and F2 (as part of ‘Understanding the World: People and Communities) and as a two year cycle from Y1 to Y6. It is mapped out from F1 to Y6 and to ensure progression we follow the TRF disciplinary document for RE.
RE is integrated into the whole school curriculum framework to ensure consistency and progression across both schools. A high quality RE curriculum gives the children knowledge of major world religions and world views and the skills to appreciate and wonder about them. The teaching of RE is based upon the key skills of gaining knowledge, expressing ideas and insights and gaining and deploying skills. These skills are integral to develop curiosity about religion, belief, values and human life, enabling them to express their own ideas thoughtfully and creatively. Consequently, children are able to learn about and learn from religion starting with their views of their own place in the world and leading to more global perspectives. Children develop an understanding of religious concepts such as spirituality, faith, community, worship and prayer.
A high-quality religious education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of how religion shapes communities. This cultural capital is identified in planning. Subject content has been designed to maximise the immediate religious connections in our community as the basis for wider understanding of world views.
Our RE curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. The children make progress by knowing and understanding more, expressing and communicating their understanding and deploying the skills they have gained.
They need to transfer and embed key concepts and knowledge into their long-term memory and apply them fluently.
Formative assessment is used as the main tool for assessing the impact of RE at the Trent Rylands Federation. The use of I can … statement sheets are used to inform assessment, alongside pupil interviews and work scrutiny.