At the Trent Rylands Federation, we value Languages as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum and the way it provides an opening, acceptance and curiosity of other countries and cultures.
Our Languages curriculum provides the children with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the world and different cultures within. The delivery of Languages engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to express their ideas and thoughts in a different language and their understanding of written and spoken words as well as enabling them to hold a short conversation.
Languages at the Trent Rylands Federation will lay a foundation for future teaching of Languages in Key Stage 3.
Languages teaching at Beeston Rylands Junior School is stimulating, engaging and fun. The content of the National Curriculum is taught over a two-year cycle. Pupils across the whole school will be exposed to a variety of topics and will develop a good understanding of the written and spoken word. Progression has been identified by ensuring that children build on prior knowledge so that they are enabled to expand their understanding and skills in languages.
Starting in September 2022, each year group will have Languages (German) for an 8 week block every term. Throughout their time at Beeston Rylands Junior School, children will have deepened their understanding and enjoyment of the language and its culture. The focus in lower school will be on listening, responding and being able to hold simple conversations and in upper school, children’s’ understanding will be extended to writing sentences and being able to describe using more detail.
Our Languages curriculum ensures that all pupils develop key language learning skills set out by the national curriculum, as well as a love of languages and learning about other cultures. Pupils will leave the Trent Rylands Federation with a secure understanding of the basics of a new language, they will be able to hold short conversations and can read written words and sentences. In addition to this, pupils will value and celebrate different cultures that prepares them for secondary school and life as part of the wider community.
Through high quality teaching over four years, pupils will become aware of the structure of a different language to their own; they will progress their skills in a different language in speaking and listening as well as reading and writing and they will learn about a different culture. Most importantly, pupils share the enjoyment of learning a different language with their peers and staff.