The intent of the P.E. curriculum is to provide a high-quality physical education curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
Strategies for the learning and teaching of the PE curriculum in EYFS & KS1
- The P.E. curriculum at The Trent Rylands Federation follows the Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage and The National Curriculum for key stage 1 and is delivered alongside trained coaches.
- During the Foundation Stage, pupils are involved in a wide range of activities aimed at fulfilling the Early Learning Goals for physical development. These include a range of guided and independent activities conducted in the class, hall, playground and Foundation Stage garden and address the development of gross and fine motor skills. They learn to move safely and confidently and develop an awareness of space. Through discussion they begin to understand the need for exercise as a way of keeping themselves healthy. They learn how to use a range of small and large equipment and develop control when handling smaller objects and tools. Pupils will also engage in strengthening & co-ordination exercises during daily lessons to promote skills needed to aid writing, fine motor control and gross motor development.
- In Key Stage 1 P.E. is taught to incorporate the National Curriculum Framework. Wherever possible cross- curricular links are used in order to add interest and to use and apply knowledge and skills. Pupils take part in activities designed to develop their knowledge, understanding and application of each National Curriculum attainment target. Acquiring and developing skills; selecting and applying skills; tactics and compositional ideas; evaluating and improving performance; knowledge and understanding of fitness and health. Each target is addressed through the teaching of the fundamental skills of agility, balance and coordination.
- Teachers and coaches are able to differentiate for less and more-able children within the medium term planning. Short-term plans in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are evaluated regularly. Teachers use these evaluations to inform future planning.
- Within the Trent Rylands Federation emphasis is placed on enjoyable, stimulating and challenging P.E. activities, enabling pupils to enjoy success and to be motivated to develop further individual potential. The ability to discuss and review performance is developed in line with the developmental ability of the child.
- A range of teaching strategies is used including direct teaching, questioning, demonstration, modeling and review. Teachers may address the whole class or choose to work with groups or individuals to support their particular needs.
- Positive attitudes are fostered towards:
- Physical activity and healthy lifestyles and an understanding of the beneficial effects of exercise.
- Competition and good sporting behaviour as well as success and limitations in performance.
- Working individually, with others and being part of a team.
- Safety procedures and the importance of rules.
- Individual pupil needs are generally catered for in Teachers’ short-term plans. Support in P.E. lessons by Teaching Assistants, for example, is used when required. The P.E. curriculum at Trent Rylands Federation follows the Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage and The National Curriculum.
- A range of teaching strategies are used including direct teaching, questioning, demonstration, modeling and review. Teachers and coaches may address the whole class or choose to work with groups or individuals to support their particular needs.
Strategies for the Learning and teaching of physical education at KS2
- The P.E. curriculum at Beeston Rylands Junior School follows the The National Curriculum.
- In Key Stage 2 P.E. is taught to incorporate the Curriculum Framework. Wherever possible cross- curricular links are used in order to add interest and to use and apply knowledge and skills. Pupils take part in activities designed to develop their knowledge, understanding and application of each National Curriculum attainment target. Acquiring and developing skills; selecting and applying skills; tactics and compositional ideas; evaluating and improving performance; knowledge and understanding of fitness and health. Each target is addressed through the teaching of the fundamental skills of agility, balance and coordination.
- The school uses its Sport Development Fund to pay for Premier Sport to help deliver high quality PE, after school provision and staff CPD.
- Pupil Premium students are targeted for after school PE clubs delivered by Premier Sports. Their views are taken into account when deciding upon this provision.
- School baseline assesses children’s fitness level each year.
- Teacher’s regularly engage in CPD with trained coaches to improve their own practice in delivering high quality PE.
- At Rylands Junior School emphasis is placed on enjoyable, stimulating and challenging P.E. activities, enabling pupils to enjoy success and to be motivated to develop further individual potential. The ability to discuss and review performance is developed in line with the developmental ability of the child.
- A range of teaching strategies is used including direct teaching, questioning, demonstration, modeling and review. Teachers may address the whole class or choose to work with groups or individuals to support their particular needs.
- Positive attitudes are fostered towards:
- Physical activity and healthy lifestyles and an understanding of the beneficial effects of exercise.
- Competition and good sporting behaviour as well as success and limitations in performance.
- Working individually, with others and being part of a team.
- Safety procedures and the importance of rules.
- Individual pupil needs are generally catered for in Teachers’ short-term plans. Support in P.E. lessons by Teaching Assistants, for example, is used when required.
- The school also actively promotes enrichment opportunities to Pupil premium pupils using a pupil voice approach.
- Working with our family of schools we also enable children to compete competitively with other schools.
At Trent Rylands Federation we help motivate children to participate in a variety of sports through quality teaching that is engaging and fun. From our lessons, our children learn to take responsibility for their own health and fitness and to understand how regular exercise can lead to healthier and happier futures. We know that good mental health is integral to pupils’ development and to establish positive learning behaviours in the classroom. We want PE lessons to inspire a love for physical activity and promote participation in wider society.
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