
The history curriculum has a vital place in providing pupils with cultural capital that is needed to give children a sense of place and identity in their world; locally, nationally and internationally. Our curriculum celebrates diversity and equality and has the moral purpose of looking at how people and communities have been treated in the past and how we can learn from this in our modern world. The curriculum also develops children’s critical thinking skills giving them opportunities to enquire into the past by evaluating historical evidence from a wide range of sources. It teaches children to question what they see and look for bias and inferences; a key skill in the internet age.


The content of the National Curriculum is taught over two year cycles across both settings. History is integrated into the whole school curriculum framework to ensure consistency and progression across both schools. History stimulates curiosity within children and values their interpretations as they are based upon evidence. The teaching of history is based upon the key historical skills of chronology, historical interpretation and historical enquiry. These skills are integral to develop higher order thinking and form the basis of all history learning. Consequently, the planning of the subject identifies key lines of these and always challenges the children to form their own opinions based upon historical sources and artefacts. Children develop an understanding of historical concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance, and use them to make connections, draw contrasts, analyse trends, frame historically-valid questions and create their own structured accounts, including written narratives and analyses,

A high-quality history education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. This cultural capital is identified in planning. Subject content has been designed to maximise the immediate historical connections in our community as the basis for wider understanding of our collective past.


Children will have a good understanding of the chronology of British and world history. They will understand why things happened and how this led to changes in the modern world. We want children to have a secure knowledge and understanding of the people and events taught.